Thanks for this- it’s really inspiring and resonant, as another writer under the thumbs of capitalism. Whenever I’m not being disciplined and writing in the morning before work, I’m aware of not having written, so in that way, the “writer” identity never leaves me. Another important element is, as long as we are still able to make time for our writing, having a full-time job can take the pressure off our creativity having to feed us, and this, hopefully makes us more creative!

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"In the meantime, commit — as you can — to doing the groundwork of cultivating your craft. Intentionally soak up experiences that will inspire your writing and document like your life depends on it. It’ll all pay off — hopefully."

I am always in awe of your ability to eloquently capture a lot of my experiences. This month's letter really speaks to me and for some reason also makes me feel proud of you.

I cannot wait to see what you produce in your question-answering years. I am rooting for you.

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